A beautiful day

  • Room sale
  • 2023年 10月 08日, 中午12:00點 (中歐夏令時間) (Europe/Paris)
  • 銷售 #1023
  • 523 Lots

A wine story of epic substance

Part 1
A beautiful day in Bordeaux - Lots 1 to 410

On a beautiful day in June 2005, under the sweltering heat of Bordeaux, I met the collector for the first time. Our shared passion for the great Bordeaux wines led to a lengthy discussion about his wine cellar and the importance of proper storage.
Since 2005, I have had visiting this magnificent cellar several times, which he specifically designed to house all of his treasures, acquired personally from Bordeaux châteaux and wine merchants. Such rare bottles are not obtained without building a special relationship with the châteaux.
The cellar was purpose-built over 40 years ago with special insulation designed to maintain humidity between 70 and 80%, and of course, a constant temperature of 11°C, with no room for error. The wines were kept under optimal storage conditions in this perfect cellar in southwestern France until they were transported to Geneva. Having tasted a few bottles from this cellar, I can assure you that the wines have retained a youthfulness that would make Dorian Gray envious!

Part 2
A beautiful trip in Burgundy - Lots 411 to 523

The Burgundy section of this catalog opens with a splendid selection directly sourced from the cellars of one of the greatest Burgundy white wine domains - Pierre Yves Colin-Morey. Thanks to their outstanding provenance, these wines epitomize the excellence of Burgundy whites (Lots 411 to 443).
Continuing on from this impressive beginning, the subsequent lots are from the cellar of a dear friend who has lovingly collected fine wines for many years. I have spent many delightful evenings in his meticulously controlled cellar in Burgundy, tasting and discussing wines. All the bottles are impeccably preserved, having been collected directly from the producers, never leaving their native Burgundy until finding their way into the secure vaults of the Geneva FreePorts (Lots 444 to 499).
Concluding this catalog of friendship and generosity are two private collections of wines from a Domaine and a winemaker who I truly appreciate for his discretion, philosophy, and, naturally, the exceptional quality of his wines. The small quantities produced by the Domain make them a rare find on the market, and even more so when you discover the more mature vintages where the full complexity of the wine is revealed (Lots 500 to 523).

Browse lots

The sale


Château La Mission Haut-Brion - 1989

1.5公升: 6
估價: CHF 12 000
CHF 24 000

The sale is over


Château La Mission Haut-Brion - 1989

3公升: 3
估價: CHF 13 000
CHF 26 000

The sale is over


Château La Mission Haut-Brion - 1989

5公升: 1
估價: CHF 7 500
CHF 15 000

The sale is over


Château La Mission Haut-Brion - 1989

6公升: 1
估價: CHF 10 000
CHF 20 000

The sale is over


Château La Mission Haut-Brion - 1994

750毫升: 12
估價: CHF 1 100
CHF 2 200

The sale is over


Château La Mission Haut-Brion - 2000

750毫升: 6
估價: CHF 1 800
CHF 3 600

The sale is over


Château La Mission Haut-Brion - 2000

750毫升: 3
估價: CHF 900
CHF 1 800

The sale is over


Château La Mission Haut-Brion - 2000

1.5公升: 3
估價: CHF 2 000
CHF 4 000

The sale is over


Château La Fleur-Pétrus - 1988

750毫升: 12
估價: CHF 1 400
CHF 2 800

The sale is over


Château La Fleur-Pétrus - 1989

750毫升: 12
估價: CHF 2 200
CHF 4 400

The sale is over


Château La Fleur-Pétrus - 1989

750毫升: 12
估價: CHF 2 200
CHF 4 400

The sale is over


Château La Fleur-Pétrus - 1989

5公升: 1
估價: CHF 1 400
CHF 2 800

The sale is over


Château La Fleur-Pétrus - 1989

6公升: 1
估價: CHF 1 700
CHF 3 400

The sale is over


Château La Fleur-Pétrus - 1990

1.5公升: 6
估價: CHF 2 200
CHF 4 400

The sale is over


Château La Fleur-Pétrus - 1990

5公升: 2
估價: CHF 3 000
CHF 6 000

The sale is over


Château Trotanoy - 1988

750毫升: 12
估價: CHF 1 400
CHF 2 800

The sale is over


Château Trotanoy - 1989

750毫升: 12
估價: CHF 2 000
CHF 4 000

The sale is over


Château Trotanoy - 1989

750毫升: 12
估價: CHF 2 000
CHF 4 000

The sale is over


Château Trotanoy - 1989

1.5公升: 6
估價: CHF 2 200
CHF 4 400

The sale is over


Château Trotanoy - 1989

1.5公升: 6
估價: CHF 2 200
CHF 4 400

The sale is over


Château Trotanoy - 1989

1.5公升: 6
估價: CHF 2 200
CHF 4 400

The sale is over


Château Trotanoy - 1989

5公升: 1
估價: CHF 1 400
CHF 2 800

The sale is over


Château Trotanoy - 1989

6公升: 1
估價: CHF 1 700
CHF 3 400

The sale is over


Château Trotanoy - 1990

750毫升: 6
估價: CHF 1 000
CHF 2 000

The sale is over


Château Trotanoy - 1990

1.5公升: 6
估價: CHF 2 200
CHF 4 400

The sale is over


Château Trotanoy - 1990

1.5公升: 3
估價: CHF 1 100
CHF 2 200

The sale is over


Château Trotanoy - 1990

3公升: 3
估價: CHF 2 200
CHF 4 400

The sale is over


Château Trotanoy - 1990

5公升: 1
估價: CHF 1 400
CHF 2 800

The sale is over


Château Trotanoy - 1990

6公升: 2
估價: CHF 3 500
CHF 7 000

The sale is over


Vieux Château Certan - 1982

750毫升: 12
估價: CHF 2 200
CHF 4 400

The sale is over


Vieux Château Certan - 1982

5公升: 1
估價: CHF 1 300
CHF 2 600

The sale is over


Vieux Château Certan - 1982

6公升: 1
估價: CHF 1 600
CHF 3 200

The sale is over


Vieux Château Certan - 1985

750毫升: 12
估價: CHF 1 600
CHF 3 200

The sale is over


Vieux Château Certan - 1986

750毫升: 12
估價: CHF 1 500
CHF 3 000

The sale is over


Vieux Château Certan - 1988

750毫升: 12
估價: CHF 1 400
CHF 2 800

The sale is over


Vieux Château Certan - 1989

750毫升: 12
估價: CHF 1 700
CHF 3 400

The sale is over


Vieux Château Certan - 1989

1.5公升: 6
估價: CHF 1 800
CHF 3 600

The sale is over


Vieux Château Certan - 1994

1.5公升: 6
估價: CHF 800
CHF 1 600

The sale is over


Vieux Château Certan - 1995

3公升: 3
估價: CHF 1 500
CHF 3 000

The sale is over


Vieux Château Certan - 1995

9公升: 1
估價: CHF 1 500
CHF 3 000

The sale is over


Vieux Château Certan - 1996

750毫升: 6
估價: CHF 550
CHF 1 100

The sale is over


Vieux Château Certan - 1998

750毫升: 12
估價: CHF 1 800
CHF 3 600

The sale is over


Vieux Château Certan - 1998

750毫升: 12
估價: CHF 1 800
CHF 3 600

The sale is over


Vieux Château Certan - 2000

6公升: 1
估價: CHF 1 200
CHF 2 400

The sale is over


Château d'Yquem - 1975

750毫升: 2
估價: CHF 700
CHF 1 400

The sale is over


Château d'Yquem - 1981

750毫升: 8
估價: CHF 1 500
CHF 3 000

The sale is over


Château d'Yquem - 1983

750毫升: 12
估價: CHF 3 000
CHF 6 000

The sale is over


Château d'Yquem - 1983

750毫升: 12
估價: CHF 3 000
CHF 6 000

The sale is over


Château d'Yquem - 1986

750毫升: 12
估價: CHF 2 200
CHF 4 400

The sale is over


Château d'Yquem - 1986

6公升: 1
估價: CHF 1 500
CHF 3 000

The sale is over

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